
Grandma. She’s been there and done that.

And let’s face it, we all need to hear things from our mother that we don’t necessarily want to hear – especially when it comes to raising our kids.  From how did you go into labor to will my life ever be the same again, she has something to say, and sometimes you put on your listening ears.

I introduce you to our newest feature “Ask Grandma” — wise words from a seasoned wife, mom and grandma.

We asked Grandma about finding the right man.

Grandma says…

As I have told my daughter and other females, it is relatively simple.

#1- Does he make your sandwich first?  Pretend you are going to the beach and preparing lunch to take with you.  Your potential mate says he will assemble the sandwiches.  Does he make your ham, cheese, turkey, lettuce, tomato and pickle sandwich first?  If so, he is a keeper and will think for your needs before his own.  If he doesn’t, run for the hills for you will be hungry for love and attention your entire life.

 #2-  Does he reach for and hold your hand while crossing the street?  All of us know we can cross busy streets, but when a man is willing to protect you when crossing the street, he will protect you in other situations.  Modern women should embrace this and let men be the chivalrous and macho beings they are by nature.  By letting a man take on this role, he will feel honored, needed and loved.

Thanks, Grandma. Now, let’s all run to the deli counter!